My Blog



This is my personal (NOT!) blog,in here I will talk about my favorite movies and why I love them! metel and enjoy! The Barbie Diaries is a favorite movie of mine because the graphics are amazing (maybe even perfect) and the overall performence of it is top notch! I hope all of my readers enjoy the movie as much as I do.The order of buisness is the very familer Twilight Saga,to be more specific Twilight Breaking Dawn part 2 and  Twilight the first movie,Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan) did a spectacular job doing her charactor and Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen) also did an awesome job as Edward Cullen,I especially love the way he shows the audience that he loves and cares about his life in the movie! Spectacular Job! 10/10 for both movies!






-Owner of Da Website!